Nicole Shay was appointed to Borough Council on December 19, 2022 following the passing of Councilwoman Ostrander. Councilwoman Shay is extremely passionate about Hatboro and our local community. Over the years she has volunteered in numerous capacities, with most recent positions on the Planning Commission and the Pennypack Facility Committee. Nicole loves giving back to her community however she can and is always looking for ways to improve the future of Hatboro.

When she’s not serving on Council, Nicole is a small business owner, having her own Hair Salon based in Warrington. Nicole’s knowledge of owning and operating a small business provides her with the expertise needed to make informed decisions regarding Hatboro and it’s local economy.

Outside of volunteering and running her own business, Nicole loves spending time with her family and walking her fur babies around town!

Contact Councilwoman Shay

Councilwoman Shay can be reached via email at