Duties of the Zoning Hearing Board

The Zoning Hearing Board of the Borough of Hatboro hears and decides requests for special exceptions and requests for variances from the Borough of Hatboro Zoning Code.

The Zoning Hearing Board of the Borough of Hatboro meets on the second Wednesday of each month, as needed.

Members of the Zoning Hearing Board

Geri Weideman, Chair
Marty Palmer, Vice Chair
Laurie Vasoli
Bruce Eckel, Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor

Make an Application to the Zoning Hearing Board

To make an application to the Zoning Hearing Board, the below application must be completed and submitted to Borough Hall accompanied by plans and the pertaining fees. A complete list of Zoning Hearing Board fees can be found within the Fee Schedule.

Once submitted, the application will be reviewed by the Zoning Officer for completion and a hearing date will be determined.

For questions regarding the Zoning Hearing Board and the application process, please call Borough Hall at 215-443-9100.