August 19, 2019 Committee/Council Meeting Minutes

President Bollendorf, Vice President Stockton, Councilwoman Benjamin, Councilwoman Anzinger, Councilman Hegele, Councilman Forgeng, Councilman Rich, Mayor Guenst, Manager Hegele, Assistant Secretary DeRenzis, Superintendent Sine, Detective Sgt. Goold, Engineer Goff, Fire Marshal Myers, and Solicitor Kilkenny were present.

ABSENT – Treasurer Polin and Fire Company President Mount were absent.

CALL TO ORDER – President Bollendorf called the August 19, 2019 Committee Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

INVOCATION – Mayor Guenst gave the invocation.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chief Gardner.

MEETING NOTES – President Bollendorf reviewed the Public Comment Policy found on the back of the agendas.

NAMING OF RECYCLING MASCOT – President Bollendorf stated there were 290 entries for the Name The Recycling Mascot Contest and after careful consideration, the name Recycling Bindy was chosen. He stated this name was created by Grace Rovinsky of Pine Tree Lane. Grace Rovinsky, her family, and Recycling Bindy were all present for the special unveiling of the name. Manager Hegele thanked everyone for their entries and Lochel’s Bakery for their donation of a cake that has Recycling Bindy’s photo on it.

Veronica Harris, the Recycling Coordinator for Montgomery County, stated Recycling Bindy is the first recycling mascot in Montgomery County and reviewed what materials can and can’t be recycled. She noted that a lot of people believe recycling is no longer beneficial due to the economy; however, she stated recycling is still encouraged because it keeps materials out of landfills and conserves energy.

There was a brief recess at 7:10 PM for cake donated by Lochel’s Bakery. This recess concluded at 7:20 PM.


MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Guenst announced the upcoming events for August: the Kat Hall Memorial Wiffle Ball Tournament and the Hatboro Rotary’s Lobster Pot. She noted both are successful events and Lobster Pot tickets are available through her.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT – President Bollendorf announced that the Borough was awarded an RACP grant in the amount of $250,000. He noted these funds will be used to make improvements to Borough Hall including the HVAC system, windows and bell tower. He stated he, the Borough Manager, and Mayor Guenst received a personal call from Senator Collett and noted that she and Representative Murt spoke very highly of the Borough and the project. He thanked both Senator Collett and Representative Murt for their help in obtaining this grant. President Bollendorf noted this grant is especially beneficial because the Borough was already planning on making these improvements to Borough Hall and will not have to use Capital funds to pay for them.

President Bollendorf stated he, Manager Hegele, Superintendent Sine, Engineer Goff, and Chloe Mohr of the Montgomery County Planning Commission met to discuss the Miller Meadow project, also under a grant. He stated that the Borough is moving forward with the project and surveying will begin soon. He stated this phase of the project will include a gazebo, new meadow area, sidewalks and new trees. President Bollendorf noted that there will be a groundbreaking ceremony sometime in October for the official project kickoff.

President Bollendorf stated the Finance Committee met with staff to begin the budget process and will be meeting again in September. He stated they are aiming to wrap up the budget in November. He added that a budget workshop will be announced soon. President Bollendorf stated he will be giving a budget presentation shortly to show everyone what money the Borough collects, where money goes for expenses, and what challenges municipalities face.

MANAGER’S REPORT – Manager Hegele thanked everyone again for entering the mascot contest and Lochel’s for donating a cake with the mascot’s photo. Manager Hegele also thanked the recycling mascot for participating in many events as well as Public Works for their dedication in recycling collection.

Manager Hegele stated the Borough was recently notified of an issue regarding a lack of crosswalks at Byberry Road near the railroad tracks. Manager Hegele stated she spoke to SEPTA and they are going to install the missing crosswalks after they have completed work at the Fulmor crossing.

Manager Hegele stated SEPTA will also be making improvements to the Meadowbrook Crossing near Crooked Billet School from November 15 through November 17th. She noted this work will warrant the closing of Meadowbrook Avenue crossing.

Manager Hegele reminded everyone of the upcoming Summer Nights events.

Manager Hegele stated Grover Silcox from PBS met with herself and Mayor Guenst to film his show Counter Culture in Hatboro.

Manager Hegele stated PCN will be airing the Hatboro Exploring PA Boroughs program on September 5th at 7:30 PM.

Superintendent Sine stated the Spotted Lanternfly have been seen in the Borough and are expected to become more active in the coming weeks. He stated Public Works is doing everything they can to educate the residents as well as remove the tree of heaven in all of the Borough’s parks.

Superintendent Sine stated the Micro-Sealing will be taking place on Park/Drexel Avenues on August 28th and on Rorer Ave. on August 29th. He stated flyers and information was delivered to residents and posted to the website.

Superintendent Sine stated Public Works is wrapping up the timing of parking meters and noted that motorists may see signs of timing taking place and do not need to feed the meters when this sign is posted.

Superintendent Sine stated the 904 grant on the agenda is a performance grant that is based on the tonnage collected by Public Works. He thanked Greg Puceta for his work on the grant and Veronica Harris for her help with grant writing. He stated this 904 performance grant averages $18,000 per year and is hoping the Borough receives the same for this grant period.

Councilwoman Benjamin asked if residents should still kill the Spotted Lanternfly. Superintendent Sine stated yes, they should be killed immediately.

President Bollendorf asked when the recycling bins will arrive? Superintendent Sine stated all 3,200 of them have been delivered and they will be stored in the Pool until they are passed out. He stated that he hopes to debut the new recycling truck and the new recycling bins around the 1st week of October.

Chief Gardner was absent. Detective Sgt. Goold stated the department received a large no-match grant to implement LiveScan software and that this software is now fully functional. He stated the car show was a great success as was National Night Out.

Fire Marshal Myers stated he ordered the fire safety promotional materials associated with the recently received State Farm Grant and that these materials should arrive within the next few weeks. Fire Marshal Myers stated he is conducting grant research with Superintendent Sine and working on getting the Borough’s RMS system functional. Fire Marshal Myers also thanked former employee Jake Miller for his assistance during his employment.

Councilman Forgeng asked if smoke detectors are still available at Borough Hall. Fire Marshal Myers stated yes and that he ordered more as a part of the State Farm Grant.

Councilwoman Anzinger asked when the RMS will be functional. Fire Marshal Myers stated the program should be functional by October.

Engineer Goff stated RVE is drafting the Borough’s annual progress report for the MS4 program. She stated that she is meeting with DEP to discuss the Eaton Park Streambank project in the beginning of September. She stated RVE is compiling the bid package for the 2019 Road Paving Program. Engineer Goff stated RVE is also beginning surveying for the Miller Meadow project.

Councilman Forgeng asked how much the Miller Meadow grant is for. President Bollendorf stated it is for $200,000.

Ron Battis, W. Moreland Ave. asked what is being done with the Streambank project in Eaton Park. Engineer Goff stated the permit application was filed with DEP and RVE is meeting with DEP to discuss this permit in September.

Solicitor Kilkenny stated his offices have worked on the Victorian Village Re-Zoning Ordinance, the Responsible Contractor Ordinance, the Medical Marijuana Ordinance, as well as right to know requests, litigation matters, and coordination with the Borough Manager.

FIRE COMPANY EXPENDITURE LIST – Councilman Forgeng stated Council is in receipt of the Fire Company Expenditure List for the month of July in the amount of $19,006.70. This item was moved to the voting agenda at the end of the meeting.

BUDGET PRESENTATION/UPDATE – President Bollendorf delivered a budget presentation. This presentation detailed the millage rates for the Borough, County and School District and the breakdown of millage. He stated 39% of the Borough’s funding comes from local taxes, 21% from local taxes, 9% and the remaining funding comes from licenses/permits, non-revenue receipts, charges for services, and fines.

He noted that the Borough has set obligations including wages, insurance, employee benefits, utilities, and contractual obligations that must be paid before anything else. He noted the Borough must then pay for supplies, maintenance of facilities/parks/vehicles/etc., computers and communications equipment, fuel, and more. President Bollendorf noted that the Borough’s costs increase an average of $215,000 per year no matter what due to the set obligations.

President Bollendorf stated the Borough has obtained roughly $1,273,710.40 in grant funding. He noted these grants are possible because of the hard work of staff, the engineer, the solicitor, and Council. He noted a lot of the grants are things the Borough would have had to pay for anyway. President Bollendorf concluded by listing other numerous accomplishments such as the new pavilion at the pool, the Upper Moreland/Hatboro Master Trail Plan, the Hatboro 2040 Master Plan, the establishment of Hatboro’s first K-9 unit, the Monaco 2040 grant for Miller Meadow, the RACP grant for Borough Hall, and the Streambank restoration projects in Eaton and Memorial Parks.

Mayor Guenst stated Council should be proud of themselves for all of these accomplishments as should Staff, the engineer, and solicitor.

PECO GREEN REGION GRANT APPLICATION – Vice President Stockton stated staff would like to apply for the PECO Green Region Grant to apply for $10,000 in grant funding to help offset the match requirement for the Montco 2040 Grant. This item was moved to the voting meeting at the end of the agenda.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH COMMITTEE – Vice President Stockton stated the new Borough website,, will be live September 1st. He once the new website is live, will redirect to the new site and the Borough emails will also change to reflect the new URL.

904 RECYCLING GRANT ANNOUNCEMENT – Superintendent Sine announced the application of the 904 recycling grant that averages $18,000 per year.

JACKSONVILLE ROAD SIDEWALK UPDATE – Manager Hegele stated one of the Borough’s grants received was a Safe Routes to Transit grant through DVRPC that focused on studying the Borough’s accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists, etc. Manager Hegele stated one of the notes of the study was that the sidewalk on Jacksonville Road does not continue to Moreland Avenue and as a result, pedestrians are forced to walk in the street or attempt to cut through the Police Station. She stated that the Borough’s insurance company also noted the pedestrians cutting through the Police Station parking lot and warranted a change. As a result, Public Works will be installing sidewalk along Jacksonville Road between E. Montgomery Ave. and E. Moreland Ave. She noted that the Police Station will also be closed off to pedestrians. Manager Hegele stated the cost is roughly $6,200 to complete and Public Works will be completing this work in-house. Manager Hegele stated staff will start an education program for residents and pedestrians that travel through the area. She stated there will also be a crosswalk installed at the corner of Jacksonville & Montgomery as a part of the Green Light Go Grant.

AUTHORIZATION TO BID: 2019 ROAD PAVING PROJECT – Solicitor Kilkenny stated Council should vote to authorize the Borough Manager to authorize the bidding of the 2019 Road program. This item was moved to the voting meeting at the end of the agenda.

– Superintendent Sine stated he obtained a quote for a 4 ft high chain link fence for Tanner Park that would force people to use the crosswalk in the area. Mayor Guenst stated he should price a split rail fence for the area and she will see if Elm Street will pay for it. She noted this would be esthetically pleasing for the homeowners in the area.

UPPER MORELAND HATBORO TRAIL MASTER PLAN – Councilwoman Anzinger announced that a survey from Gilmore and Associates will be posted online to obtain feedback for the Master Trail Plan.

Councilman Forgeng asked if trees could be installed along the new sidewalk on Jacksonville Road. Manager Hegle stated that SEPTA owns property abutting the sidewalk, so they would have a say in what is planted there.

Councilwoman Anzinger stated a meeting was held with the Mural Committee over the weekend and more information regarding the mural projects will come.

– Councilman Rich stated Solicitor Kilkenny has recommended that the Borough pass a Responsible Contractor Ordinance in order to establish the minimum qualifications and requirements for contractors to assure their success in  projects awarded using over $250,000 in public funds. Mayor Guenst stated if this ordinance was established in the past, the Borough would not have had the issues with the Fire House Project. This item was moved to the voting meeting at the end of the agenda.

COMPUTER UPGRADE PURCHASE – Councilman Rich stated Vice President Stockton and Assistant Secretary DeRenzis met with Integra1 regarding the computer upgrades for the Borough and are ready to move forward with the purchase. He noted this is a much needed upgrade and that the total cost of the upgrade is $83,411.43 to be financed through the sinking fund. This item was moved to the voting meeting at the end of the agenda.

MEDICAL MARIJUANA ORDINANCE – Councilman Rich stated the Medical Marijuana Ordinance is ready to be reviewed by the Montgomery County Planning Commission and the Borough Planning Commission in order to make the ordinance more effective. This item was moved to the voting meeting at the end of the agenda.

VICTORIAN VILLAGE RE-ZONING – Councilman Rich stated meetings have been held regarding the re-zoning of the Victorian Village II property (440 S. York Road). He stated the administration committee recommends the advertising of the ordinance changing this zoning from R-1 Residential to O Office Zoning. This item was moved to the voting meeting at the end of the agenda.

PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT – Councilman Rich stated the Planning Commission will be meeting on September 10, 2019 to review the medical marijuana ordinance and the short term rental ordinance.


ADJOURNMENT – President Bollendorf adjourned the August 19, 2019 Committee Meeting at 7:59 PM.


CALL TO ORDER – President Bollendorf called the August 19, 2019 Council Meeting to order at 8:00 PM.

PUBLIC COMMENT (VOTING ITEMS ONLY) – Mr. Battis requested the Borough Solicitor attend the September 10, 2019 Planning Commission meeting to help direct and guide the Commission. He noted that the Planning Commission believes they are good at reviewing plans and concepts for projects; however, are not experts at reviewing ordinances and thus would like the Solicitor to help the Commission. President Bollendorf stated Council is going to offer training for the Planning Commission members to help them with their reviews. Solicitor Kilkenny stated other municipalities do send their Solicitor to certain Planning Commission meetings to help with reviews.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Polin was absent. Manager Hegele delivered the Treasurer’s Report. Manager Hegele stated the Borough earned interest in the mount of $2,382.57 and maintained an account balance of $2,957,989.86.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF STAFF REPORTS – Councilwoman Anzinger motioned to acknowledge the receipt of the Public Works Report, Fire Marshal Report, Tax Collector Report, Treasurer’s Report, and the Upper Moreland Hatboro Joint Sewer Authority Minutes, and Historical Commission Minutes.  Motion was seconded by Councilman Hegele, all ayes. Motion carried 7-0.

APPROVAL OF WARRANT LIST, PAYMENT OF BILLS, MANUAL CHECKS, AND TRANSFERS – Councilwoman Benjamin motioned to approve the warrant list, payment of bills, manual checks, and transfers for the month of August 2019. Motion was seconded by Vice President Stockton, all ayes. Motion carried 7-0.

JULY 15, 2019 COMMITTEE/COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – Councilwoman Anzinger motioned to approve the July 15, 2019 Committee/Council Meeting Minutes. Motion was seconded by Vice President Stockton, all ayes, motion carried 7-0.

FIRE COMPANY EXPENDITURE LIST – Councilman Hegele motioned to approve the Fire Company Expenditure for the month of July 2019 in the amount of $19,006.70. Motion seconded by Councilman Rich, all ayes. Motion carried 7-0.

AUTHORIZATION TO BID: 2019 ROAD PAVING – Councilwoman Anzinger motioned to authorize the bidding of the 2019 Road Paving Project. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hegele, all ayes. Motion carried 7-0.

RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR ORDINANCE – Councilwoman Benjamin motioned to advertise the Responsible Contractor Ordinance. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Anzinger, all ayes. Motion carried 7-0.

COMPUTER UPGRADE PURCHASE – Vice President Stockton motioned to approve the computer equipment upgrades/refresh in the amount of $83,411.43 to be financed through the sinking fund. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Anzinger, all ayes. Motion carried 7-0.

MEDICAL MARIJUANA ORDINANCE – Councilwoman Anzinger motioned to direct the Planning Commission to review the proposed Medical Marijuana Ordinance. Motion was seconded by Vice President Stockton, all ayes. Motion carried 7-0.

VICTORIAN VILLAGE RE-ZONING – Vice President Stockton motioned to advertise the Ordinance re-zoning parcels 08-00-6731-00-1 and 08-00-6736-00-6 from R-1 Residential to O Office. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Anzinger, all ayes. Motion carried 7-0.

PECO GREEN REGION GRANT APPLICATION RESOLUTION 19-21 – Councilwoman Anzinger motioned to approve Resolution 19-21, authorizing the PECO Green Region Grant Application for the purchase of a gazebo to be used in the Miller Meadow Improvement Project. Motion was seconded by Vice President Stockton, all ayes. Motion carried 7-0. Councilwoman Benjamin asked if this gazebo will be considered a non-permanent structure due to the open space requirements in Miller Meadow. President Bollendorf stated yes.

SPECIAL UPDATES – There were no special updates.

OLD BUSINESS – There was no old business.

PUBLIC COMMENT – Mayor Guenst asked where the trees infected by the Lanternfly reside in Miller Meadow. Superintendent Sine stated there is a small grove near the creek in Miller Meadow and more by the creek around Pine Tree Lane.

Mayor Guenst asked if the Mugwort invasive plant will be taken care of during the PECO. Councilwoman Anzinger suggested taking a walk to inventory the invasive species in Miller Meadow so they can clean up the area.

ADJOURNMENT – The August 19, 2019 Committee/Council meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Deena DeRenzis
Assistant Borough Secretary

Transcribed by Deena DeRenzis